John Bangs
John’s primary role has been owner’s representative and main point of contact for all construction and design activities associated with the major redevelopment of 200 Smith Street (Waltham).
John started with Anchor Line Partners in 2015. John manages tenant improvement (TI) activities at our Fifth Avenue and Totten Pond assets, located in Waltham as well. In addition, he provides oversight and direction to engineering staff on operational issues and significant base-building projects throughout the firm’s portfolio.
Prior to ALP, John spent 13 years at Equity Office Properties as building engineer, chief engineer, manager of portfolio engineering and then senior property manager (SPM) for numerous assets. In his last role as South Station SPM, he ran all operations associated with South Station and was the day-to-day contact for the CVS buildout, the trackhead revitalization project, tenant TI projects and major MEP projects.
John grew up in Quincy and went on to earn a bachelor of science degree in marine engineering from the Massachusetts Maritime Academy. He and his wife, Patty, have a son and daughter and live in Stoughton, where John is an active volunteer in youth sports.